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The Maryland Coalition for Fairness and Open Competition is a Maryland coalition dedicated to advocating against the use of mandated PLAs on state public works projects that steer taxpayer-funded public works contracts to union-signatory contractors, granting union workers a monopoly on jobs and contracts, as well as, raising taxpayer costs. We are committed to bringing transparency to the dangers of this policy and ensuring all workers get fair opportunities at crucial state taxpayer funded projects.

The coalition includes the following members: Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Chesapeake Shores, Greater Baltimore, Cumberland Valley and Metro Washington chapters; the Maryland Transportation Builders & Materials; the Maryland Minority Contractors Association; the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; and Independent Electrical Contractors-Chesapeake. 

The coalition represents over 5,000 employers and 100,000 workers in the region. Check below to see our combined coalition membership around the region and links to our coalition organizations:







Maryland Minority Contractors Association

MD Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

ABC Chesapeake Shores

ABC Cumberland Valley

ABC Greater Baltimore

ABC Metro Washington

Maryland Transportation Builders & Materials

Independent Electrical Contractors—Chesapeake